Monday, January 10, 2011


Web 2.0 tools for teachers...there are so many! I am amazed at the variety of free Web 2.0 tools available for teachers and students.  I am excited about learning to use and introducing some of the tools to my students.  Schoology is one of these tools.  It is an LMS (Learning Management System) that allows teachers to create an online classroom with the look and feel of a social network.  It is similar to Moodle, and Blackboard, in that it provides teachers with a website where they can post assignments and course material for their students.  It also allows students, and teachers to collaborate and discuss information in an easy to use format.  Because students can access the portal from home, it also benefits students that may be absent from class for extended periods of time.  Within the online classroom teachers can create, edit and share academic material such as tests, quizzes, assignments, homework, discussion boards, projects and grades that can be completed within the portal or printed and brought in to class.  The site also hosts a digital drop box where students can turn in their assignments, and a message feature which allows students to communicate with their classmates and their teachers.

 When I first discovered Schoology I knew it would be a great tool to use with my students.  It offered me the look and feel of an online classroom, and gave my students the "facebook" feel.  My students were excited o set up their profiles and upload their pictures.  They also liked the possibility of having their syllabus, course materials, and access to their classmates in one convenient location.

Schoology also provides teachers with an online grade book where teachers can track and record student grades and attendance.  Parents can also access the digital classroom with a special access code.  With this access code they can check the progress, grades, and online activity of their children.  

I am planning to use Schoology with my test class while completing my CBR project.  I realize that technology is an important aspect in the lives of my students.  Research says that incorporating technology offers great benefits to students.  I would like to see if this is the case.  Schoology with help me to extend my classroom to the home environments of my students, and it will also be great for my students that are more self directed.  Maintaining this digital classroom environment will be a major part of my CBR project. Through Schoology I will be collecting evidence related to student involvement, engagement, productivity, learning, peer to peer collaboration, and parent/teacher collaboration.


  1. I am also interested in using a learning management system in my classroom. I like that Schoology looks like Facebook. I definitely think that students can relate to that digital atmosphere. I am interested in how your students react to using this application. Keep me posted!

  2. I like the idea of Schoology! I have gotten in the habit of creating class websites to keep my students and their parents up to date with what is happening in class and to give them one central location to find out assignments, projects, and activities that they may have missed while absent (or daydreaming in class). I like the idea that you can create discussions and even track grades all using this site. Is there a fee to use this site?

    II love the digital dropbox and message feature. As online learning becomes more of an option for students as they approach graduation, what better way to get them prepared than by giving them a chance to experience an online version of class! I will definitely be looking into this tool a lot more.

  3. Ebony:
    I like what Schoology has to offer for teachers. I am going to review this website and see if it could be helpful at my school. This is a good tool for students who like social networking in a learning environment. Good post Ebony
